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AK asbl is mainly involved in managing various activities to improve the infrastructure of the school complex "Mère Térésa de Calcutta", among other thing :


* Purchases of school materials : textbooks, notebooks, pencils, etc.


* Purchases of computer equipment.


* Purchases of uniforms.


* School furniture purchases : benches, tables, chairs, chalkboards, etc.

* Purchases for the sewing workshop: sewing machines, fabrics, threads, etc.


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* Improvements and securing the school (perimeter safety fence towards the river, building maintenance, solar panels, etc.)

* Funding of teacher retraining organized by the Alliance Française of Kisangani.

* Purchases for school canteen.

* Teachers salary.

* School staff salaries (director, secretary and guard).

* Cultural outing events.


© AKasbl
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